An Open Heart

I have been awake since early morning. Of course, I would have liked to sleep more, but right now that’s not happening. Can I give myself the comfort of my patience? Can I accept myself right now?

I return to something I wrote in my book, Comfort & Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others:
Sometimes comfort isn’t an action, but an open heart you bring to a situation.
Acceptance for others is rooted in accepting yourself. If you are tired today,
emotionally vulnerable, or angry and frustrated, make room for it.
Learn to, gently say, ‘I accept all of myself. I hold my feelings with
tenderness, love and comfort.’

So for today, I will not put any pressure on myself, but accept myself as I am right now. I will invite comfort into the day, to nurture me, console me, and restore me. Can you bring comfort into your day as a way to bring deep and loving acceptance to yourself?