Accepting What Is

Acceptance Can I accept the difficult and demanding situation I have found myself in with this insomnia? I am searching for a sustainable response to this problem, which is proving to take time. There isn’t a quick fix here, taking a pill is only a temporary measure. It takes patience to address the root of…

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The Practice of Surrender

Five small moments of practicing surrender. 1. If I’m tired, then I’m tired. I don’t need to push myself to get everything on my to-do list done. I don’t need to pressure myself to feel any different than I feel. I can take it easy during my free time — walk in the park, take…

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Mothering After my sister died of cancer and I began to suffer with insomnia, I spent more time talking with my mother, either on the telephone or while visiting her in Palm Springs. “You’re going to be just fine. It will pass,” my mother told me time and time again. Just hearing her reassurance gave…

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Keeping Things in Perspective

Now is the time to step back and try to keep things in perspective. Lately, I have found myself looking down at my shoelaces or the strap on my sandal. The other day, I realized that I need to look out into the horizon more, and to remember that the universe is vast, my breath…

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I am still using the “letting go” box, and every day I am scribbling down things I need to keep letting go of. Today, I was overcome with doubt over the choices I have made around work. I never planned to become an elementary school librarian. I was already in the school system at the…

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More, More Letting Go

I am continuing to use the letting go box. It’s amazing how many scraps of paper I scribble on during the day with things to let go of — the need to please someone, the worry over a decision, the judgment I have on myself for looking tired, and so much  more. When the thoughts…

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