More Letting Go

Letting Go — continued It’s been a week now that I have been keeping the “letting go box” I referred to in last week’s blog entry.  It’s proving to be an interesting experience. I am noticing how many little things I hold onto — little bits of conversation I’ve had throughout the day, or frustration…

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Letting Go

Letting Go We use the phrase letting go all the time. We use it loosely, in passing, as though it is something we can just snap our fingers and do – instantly. But I have found it’s not that easy. For the past week, I decided to follow the suggestion of a friend to create…

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Waves of Anger

Lately, I have been experiencing waves of anger. I have been hesitant about sharing these emotions out loud, but last night I was talking to a friend at an art opening about it, and my thinking turned around. Comfort and joy has paved a deep groove in my psyche, and now I am living comfort…

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More Comfort & Joy in your relationship

Try these five simple tips for bringing more comfort and joy into your relationship: #1: Take a moment to hug: A warm hug is an amazing source of comfort. Practice giving each other a hug when you first wake up in the morning. Hug again before you go to sleep. Make hugging a simple comfort…

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Rain I am crying. I call my friend and we go for a walk. It is a cool and overcast day, so we bundle ourselves in jackets, scarves and hats. Afterward, sitting in my kitchen, we share a pot of tea. I feel the warmth on my fingers as I cradle the mug. It begins…

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My life is asking for so much patience right now, with waves of insomnia, demands of graduate school in library science, and the deep feelings of  grief that I still feel from losing my father last spring. Sometimes, I feel I have no more patience left in me. Yet, I know that being patient right…

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